How To Deposit in CoinEx

How to Deposit Cryptos in CoinEx [PC]

1. Visit coinex.com and log in to your account successfully, choose [Deposit] in the drop-down menu of [Assets] on the upper right corner.

2. Take USDT-TRC20 as an example:

 – Search Coin Type [USDT] 
 – Choose Protocol Type [USDT-TRC20]
 – Use [Copy address] or [Show QR code ] to get your Deposit Address in CoinEx

Tip: Please pay attention to the [Deposit Note] on the right column before making a deposit to your CoinEx account.
3. Copy your Deposit Address and paste them into the withdrawal address field on the external platform or wallet.
4. Check the deposit, choose [Assets], [Deposit], [Deposit Records] on the left side.

How to Deposit Cryptos to CoinEx [Mobile]

Deposit Cryptos to CoinEx on the App Store

1. Open CoinEx App and click on [Assets] at the bottom of the right corner.

2. Click on [Deposit]

3. Select the coin you want to deposit. Take BTC as an example:

  1. Search the coin you want to deposit. The coin you want will appear at “Coin List”.
  2.  Press this coin at “Coin List”.

4. Click [COPY] to copy the deposit address and paste it into the withdrawal address field on the external platform or wallet. You can also scan the QR Code to deposit

5. Check the deposit

Deposit Cryptos to CoinEx on Google Play

1. Open CoinEx App and click on [Assets] at the bottom of the right corner.

2. Click on [Deposit]

3. Select the coin you want to deposit. Take BTC as an example:

  1. Search the coin you want to deposit. The coin you want will appear at “Coin List”.
  2.  Press this coin at “Coin List”.

4. Click [COPY] to copy the deposit address and paste it into the withdrawal address field on the external platform or wallet. You can also scan the QR Code to deposit.

5. Check the deposit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

?How long does it take my deposit to arrive

Three procedures of a cryptocurrency transfer: Withdrawn ➞ Block Confirmations ➞ Deposited. 
Users can check the detailed transaction information on the respective blockchain explorer after the deposit was sent out to the network successfully. The arrival time will depend on the number of the required confirmation(s) for deposit on CoinEx. When the required confirmation(s) is/are reached, your deposit will successfully arrive.

?Is there any minimum or maximum limit for deposit

CoinEx only sets a MINIMUM limit for cryptocurrency deposit.

Minimum Deposit and Deposit Fee

Note: If your deposit amount is less than or equal to the minimum deposit amount, the deposit will NOT be added to your account balance OR refundable. Please make sure to check the minimum deposit amount before making a deposit.

?What is Transaction ID

Transaction ID (TXID), also known as transaction hash, is a string of characters calculated based on the size, time, type, creator and machine of each cryptocurrency transaction. It is equivalent to the identity certificate (ID) of each cryptocurrency transaction, with uniqueness and immutability. Also, it can be regarded as the “transaction serial number” when transferring money with  a bank card.

?Why can’t I find Transaction ID

Due to network crowdedness, your transaction might be delayed and it will take longer to generate a transaction ID for your transfer. Please kindly wait.
If you fail to see any TXID for a long time, please contact the withdrawal platform to check if they have sent your assets successfully.

?What is Confirmation

Confirmation refers to the process in which the transaction is included in the block and added to the blockchain. When a transaction is broadcasted to the blockchain network, it is presented to be packed in a block by the miners. Once the transaction is included in a block, the transaction will have 1 confirmation. Besides, the number of confirmations for a transaction represents the number of blocks that contain this transaction. In general, the more confirmations it gets, the more irreversible the transaction will be.

?Why the deposit is not credited to my account yet

No one can affect the speed when transactions are confirmed on the blockchain, which is purely based on the conditions of the network. Time for block generation varies from coins to coins and so do required confirmations. Therefore, the exact arrival time of your deposit depends on network crowdedness. Your deposit will be credited to your account when confirmations meet CoinEx deposit confirmation requirement.

?Can I cancel the pending deposit

It depends on your withdrawal platform. In general, if the TXID is already available on the blockchain explorer, you will NOT be able to cancel this deposit. 

?Can I change my deposit address

You can click [Use new address] on the deposit page to change the address.
Note: Only the used address can be changed. If the address has never been used, CoinEx cannot generate a new address.

?What happens if I deposit to my old address

Don’t worry. Your deposit to old deposit address will be  credited to your account if you still use the deposit address.

?What should I do if deposit to a wrong address

Digital currency transactions are irreversible. Once it is sent out, only the receiver can return the coin to you and CoinEx is unable to help you get it back. In this case, we suggest you contact the recipient platform of the wrong address for help. If you do not know whose address is, the assets will not be recovered.

Why hasnt my account balance increased when the transaction gets enough confirmations

1. Different coins have different confirmation requirement for deposit. Please confirm carefully whether your deposit address is correct and whether the confirmation qty reaches to the deposit requirement.
2. If you mistakenly deposit via smart contract, please submit a ticket for assistance.
3. If your deposit address is correct with enough confirmations yet your account balance didn’t increase, please submit a ticket to contact support for assistance.

What should I do if I didnt receive the asset after a deposit?

1. If the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain (it has enough confirmations), and the transfer amount is over the minimum deposit amount but your CoinEx account still didnt receive, please submit a ticket for assistance.
2. If the transaction is confirming on the blockchain (it doesnt have enough confirmations), please kindly wait for block packing and confirmation.
3. If you fail to see any TXID for a long time, please contact the withdrawal platform for help to check if they have sent your assets successfully.

What should I pay attention to when deposit a label Coin? 

When deposit label coins to CoinEx, you are supposed to  fill in the  deposit address and Memo/Tag/Payment ID/Message at the same time. If you forget to attach labels, your assets will be LOST and NOT refundable. Please be careful to avoid unnecessary property loss!

Coin TypeLabel Type
CET-CoinEx ChainMemo
BTC-CoinEx ChainMemo
USDT-CoinEx ChainMemo
ETH-CoinEx ChainMemo
BCH-CoinEx ChainMemo


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